
  • The Founder of Pomegranate Schoolhouse deeply values the freedom for individuals to embrace their own beliefs while also sharing her Christian faith with her daughter, who inspires this program. So she would like to extend this opportunity to other families who share a similar desire for their children.

    While we are a faith-based program, we welcome families from all backgrounds and beliefs. Regardless of one’s beliefs, all families are required to sign Pomegranate's Belief Statement upon enrollment. The Belief Statement establishes shared values and a commitment to an ethical framework that fosters a positive learning environment. By signing the statement, you acknowledge your agreement to adhere to Pomegranate's values, principles, and choice of curriculum. This ensures all students are committed to a standard of learning, behavior, and respect for others.

  • Our studio core hours are from 8:00 am to 3:45 pm. Learners must be dropped off by 7:55 am and picked up by 4:00 pm, at the latest. We provide enrichment classes after 4:00 pm at an additional cost. Please email us at admin@pomegranateschools.org for a full list of all of the enrichment offerings.

  • We operate on a 10/11-month calendar that allows our students to enjoy extended breaks throughout the year, maintaining their interest and retention by shortening the summer break. Our flexible program enables families to travel together without sacrificing learning.

    Our schedule consists of approximately 6-8 weeks at the learning site, followed by 1 week at home. Our strategically scheduled days off allow teachers to change materials, plan intense project-based quests, and meet with families to discuss their child’s learning progress and journey.

  • We currently serve students in the Lower Elementary Studio (ages 5-8), Upper Elementary Studio (ages 8-11), and Middle School Studio (ages 11-14). Our High School Studio is exclusively for students who are graduates of our Middle School program.

  • We believe in mixed-age groupings for optimal learning, following Maria Montessori's approach. Children of different ages work together, leveraging their diverse strengths. Our Montessori-inspired studios resemble modern co-working spaces, accommodating multi-age groupings. Students remain with one class for a three-year cycle, starting from Lower Elementary (ages 5-8) and progressing through Upper Elementary (8-11), Middle School (11-14), and High School (14-18).

    For children who are not yet ready for Lower Elementary, we offer several pre-kindergarten programs at different locations.

  • We do not possess the resources or expertise to cater specifically to children with serious learning disabilities. However, we have successfully supported young students with dyslexia when they received appropriate and timely specialized training. Additionally, we believe that many minor learning disabilities are often misdiagnosed.


  • We strongly value liberty, justice, and the principles of the American Revolution as fundamental pillars of civilization. In addition to experiential learning, we delve into the study of American documents and their profound significance, while also exploring various cultures and different forms of government.

  • We hold the belief that every individual has a unique purpose in life and that they will encounter a series of trials and challenges that must be faced with integrity and a sense of purpose in order to lead a fulfilling and meaningful life. Our mission is to prepare your child for their special journey by fostering the discovery and growth process, which is both deeply archetypal and universally significant. The concept of the Hero's Journey, popularized by Joseph Campbell, serves as a crucial process and metaphor that awakens the child to the ongoing cycle of growth and challenges in life. It is important to note that each parent also embarks on their own Hero's Journey as they support their child and seek their own unique calling to contribute to the betterment of the world.

    We hold the belief that each individual's purpose is discovered through a connection with their Creator. When we embrace and respond to our unique calling, our lives transform into extraordinary adventures, and we become World Changers—individuals who embark on the Hero's Journey to fulfill their assigned mission in this world. By saying "yes" to their calling, children become catalysts for positive change on a global scale, regardless of how visible or invisible their mission may be.

    We are confident that each of our students can discover a passion—a pursuit they love and possess a natural talent for. They will utilize this gift to serve others and fulfill a meaningful need in the world, driven by their deep passion. This could manifest in various forms, such as a barber who uplifts people's spirits through storytelling and dedicated work, a coach who recognizes the spark in a child's eyes and guides them towards pursuing their dreams, a nurturing parent leading their family on their own Hero's Journey, an entrepreneur or business leader guided by compassion and integrity, or an artist or writer who enriches lives with beauty. When a child aligns their burning desire and abilities with a profound societal need, they will excel in life and make an extraordinary contribution.

  • Part of our mission is to foster strong parent-child relationships without coming between them. We provide tools and a supportive community to help parents in this endeavor.

    We strongly believe in the alignment and mutual support between the educational and home environments, rather than creating conflict or contradiction. At the start of the academic year, parents sign a contract committing to the strategies associated with being a Pomegranate Parent. This may include using growth mindset language at home or allowing their child to face challenges and learn from failures. Parents are expected to attend their child's Public Exhibitions of Learning and participate in community "Deep Dive" meetings, engaging in Socratic discussions about the learner-driven model and other important topics.

  • In our learning environment, students utilize online tracking software to set daily, weekly, and session goals. This software provides real-time progress data, allowing us to identify areas of difficulty and address any learning gaps promptly. Instead of traditional grades, students celebrate their mastery of tools, skills, and character by earning badges. These badges serve as evidence of skill mastery in subjects like reading, writing, math, and character development.

  • We offer adaptive, self-paced software that provides rigorous learning experiences across various subjects and generates extensive data on each learner's progress.

    Typically, students dedicate around ~2.5 hours per day to their online Core Skills, allowing ample time for immersive and interactive project-based learning. They utilize Google Chromebooks or similar devices for their technology needs. This approach strikes a balance between leveraging technology for efficient learning and incorporating hands-on experiences to deepen understanding.


Don’t worry! Just send us your questions to admin@pomegranateschools.org.