how it works.

  1. Learner-driven community

We are a learner-driven community with high standards, emphasizing self-management and governance. Our students draft and sign a Contract of Promises outlining behavior expectations and consequences. Running Partners and Squad Leaders foster accountability, goal-setting, and mutual support among peers, and celebrate character-building decisions.

2. home-based

We operate out of residential homes.

3. Full-time or part time enrollment

We offer full-time or part-time enrollment. Part-time schedule is offered through our Independent Study program. Visit our PSP page for more information.

4. Daily work sprints

Each day is broken up into work sprints with a shared purpose or goal.

5. class size: 6-12 students

Class sizes are typically 6-12 students, broken down into studios: Spark Studio (ages 2-6), Elementary Studio (for ages 6-10), Jr. High Studio (for ages 10-14).

6. Courses change every session

Courses, which focus on real-world 21st Century Skills, change every session (which are typically between 5-6 weeks in duration).  Here’s a glimpse of what we’re offering in 2024-2025. 

7. non-traditional school calendar

The students work intensely for ~6 weeks and then take 1 week break. The Guide uses these breaks to prepare for the next project-based quest and holds parent-teacher conferences.

8. transcripts

We provide transcripts and letters of recommendation for our students enrolled in our Private School Satellite Program (PSP). For those not enrolled in our PSP, we provide progress reports twice a year.

9. Optional FAMIly trips

We take optional seasonal family trips each year: San Diego in the late summer, Palm Springs in early spring, Santa Barbara in early fall, and Mammoth Lakes in the winter.

10. Financial support

We accept charter funds and provide scholarships. See our Admissions page for more info.